Check out our 5 reasons why you should RUN (literally) to be an Officer next year!
Our SU Elections are coming up, with voting opening bright and early on February 25th... and you might be wondering if this is for you.
But what does an officer do?!
Well, an officer’s role is to represent you and others to the University, aiming to enhance your experience in your school, as they plan events and collaborate on projects with senior staff.
So here are 5 reasons why you should RUN (literally) to be an Officer next year!
1. It’s a GREAT place to work 💼
It's super important that the SU has a respectful and supportive work environment, and having open communication and working on projects collaboratively is great. (I promise I'm not just saying this because I work here, I truly love it)
Past student officers have even run twice to keep on working here!

2. Meaningful work ✏️🧘
Do you feel strongly about students’ voice? You will be working to improve students’ experience at university!
You will be able to run campaigns, activities and projects that reflect what the students in your school want or need, helping them have a better university life!

3. Anyone can run!👥
Are you a home student or international? Undergraduate or Postgraduate?
It doesn’t matter! You can run and be an officer at your SU!
The only thing that matters is that you want to make a difference!

4. Be the change YOU 🫵 want to be!
You can do whatever you want here: you can help societies, sports clubs, help for ‘free food on campus’ initiatives, and more.
Basically, if you think it'll benefit students, you can set your own goals and achieve it here!
Aside from projecting student’s needs, you can also focus on things you feel that need improving, overall creating a better university experience!

5. It’s a PAID job! 🤑
That's right – for this role, you will be paid £24,484 for 12 months from the 1st July 2025 with a flexible annual leave policy, as well as University closure days.
There can be some flexibility in start dates for some students e.g. nurses.

There you have it! 5 reasons to why you should run to be student officer, but trust us, there's loads more!
So if you're thinking of running, check out this page!
Nominations close at 12:00 on Thursday February 13th, 2025.
What would you want your future student officers to work on? Let us know in the comments!